About the Girl

Hey! The fact that you came to this page most likely means that you want to know more about the girl that runs show, so let me go ahead and list some sort of interesting things about me to help you get to know me better

// I am a Christian, a sinner saved by faith

// I absolutely love writing and hope to be a published author someday

// I devour whole books. Because how can you love writing and not love books too?

// I love coffee, a fact that you may have already figured out from my blog title :)

// I tend to be sarcastic sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time. It's pretty much my first language

// I am twenty-something and was homeschooled until I graduated high school in 2015

// I am currently going to a degree in Advanced Theological Studies with a minor in Apologetics

// I pretty much live in the middle of nowhere, and so far north in the U.S. that some of my southern friends have made jokes that I am basically Canadian lol

// I loove music. My earbuds are in quite a lot, but don't ask me if I have a favorite song because it changes almost weekly


  1. How did I not know all this about you already? o.o Left-handed & 18yo homeschool graduate sounds very familiar ;) I look forward to getting to know you better!

    1. That was me to when I first read your About Me page. I felt like I already knew you. :) Thank you, I look forward to getting to know you better to! :D

  2. *waves* hello! I'm happy I found your blog! :D And I see you are a fellow sarcastic INFJ who loves classical piano music. We have just a little in common.... ;-) I can't wait to read more of your posts!

    1. *waves back* Hi, Audrey! Aw, thank you so much! :D <3

  3. *waves to fellow INFJ* and yas to the writing and devouring books <33

    sarah » the introverted extrovert

  4. What's an INFG? I'm a 17 year old homeschool Christian girl (= You play piano? That's neat! I just started playing violin, but I'm at the very beginning. Have a nice day! Laura@ flowersinmybasket.blogspot.com

    1. INFJ is one of the Myers Briggs sixteen personality types. INFJ is my personality type. :) Thank you, I really like playing the piano. Oh, I like the violin. I hope you enjoy learning/playing it. :D Thanks, you to!

  5. Nice to meet you! I also enjoy playing piano :)


    1. Nice to meet you too! Oh cool! Piano is the best. :)

  6. Okay, are we like, twins?? Where have you been all my life? XD
    Christian? Check.
    Writer? Check.
    Reader? Check.
    Sarcastic? Check.
    INFJ? Check.
    19? Check.
    Homeschooled til graduation in 2015? Check.
    1 of 5 kids? Check! (except I'm the oldest in my family)
    Live in the middle of nowhere? Check.

    However, I do not like coffee at all and am not left-handed, I hope we can still be friends! :DD Very nice to meet you.

    1. Ahh! Oh my word, ARE we twins? Maybe we were separated at birth. O.O

      It's very nice to meet you too! I look forward to getting to know you! :D

    2. I mean, it looks like we're also both blonde so there's that too. XD

    3. Haha, I did notice that! I meant to say something about it, but I guess I forgot. :P

  7. Nice blog. Also, cute dog. I love dogs.
    God bless. :)

  8. Heyyy, high five! I'm left handed, play the piano, am homeschooled and LOVE coffee too! Why did I not know about your blog sooner??? :D

    -Sarah Grace

    1. Hey, Sarah Grace!! Oh my word, I had no idea that we had that much in common! :D

  9. Just wanted to tell you that I tagged you on my blog! :)

  10. On my blog, did you say that you're from Maine?

  11. I am a Christian; homeschooled, and left handed. AND I have a genuine fondness for coffee (if its the right kind of course). Its so nice to meet you! Though I am younger than you by five years; I'm fourteen.
    Kendra Lynne

    1. Hi, Kendra Lynne! :D Nice to meet you! Wow, we have a lot in common. :) I look forward to getting to know you! :D

  12. Hi, Karyssa! Thank you for following my blog. That means a lot to me. <3
    (Also, love the way your name is spelled.) :D


    1. Hi, Ivie! :D Oh, you're welcome! And thank YOU for following me back! :)
      (Aw, thank you so much. <3)

  13. Hello Karyssa *waves* It's very nice to "meet" you!!
    I am also a Christian, an inspiring writer, avid reader, and I LOVE coffee and music (I play the piano, upright bass, and the guitar!)
    We have quite a bit in common!
    You have a very lovely blog! I'm looking forward to reading your posts!

    - Maddy | littlebitofsunshineweb.blogspot.com

    - Maddy | littlebitofsunshineweb.blogspot.com

    1. Hey there, Maddy! :D
      Wow, we do have quite a bit in common! ;D
      Aww, thank you!! <3

  14. Christian, writer, reader, homeschooler who graduated in '15, one of five kids, love music and play piano [badly, though] - WOW we have a lot in common!

    (For some reason, whenever I saw you commenting around the writerly blogospheres, I thought you were older? so I was intimidated. But I'm here now. ;)

    1. Wow, that's so cool! :D I'm not super good at playing the piano either. XD

      (Really? I always felt like I came across as younger... :P I'm so glad to meet you! And I look forward to getting to know you better! :)

  15. HI Karyssa!
    I just stumbled across your blog and enjoyed reading about you. Like you, I too enjoy coffee, LOVE books, play piano, and was homeschooled. :)

    Since you love books so much, I thought you might be interested in a book subscription! I have a Christian book subscription (as well as a pen pal one) that you can check out at snailmailblessings.etsy.com and at my website, snailmailsubscriptions.blogspot.com

    I'd love to hear from you!
    Much love in Christ,

    1. Ahh, thank you, Ashley! :)

      Ohh, I'll have to check it out. Thanks! ;D

  16. I will have to check out your blog!

  17. PS my blog is Living For Jesus Christ hopecomedown.blogspot.com
