
Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Two Voices

So, today I am going to share with you all a little about writing first drafts. No, not my process or how I go about it or anything like that. 

I think that all writers probably have two voices in their head. The first one is that voice that's just done with everything, like why do I even write? And the second is the voice that still cares and wants to do well, and loves writing and everything about.

You're all pretty familiar with these voices right? I know I am. :P I've thought of some pretty ridiculous stuff while writing, and it was basically because these to voices kept arguing. So I decided to use these two voices to show you what it's like for me sometimes when I write first drafts. I promise I'm not insane. :P

*looks at clock* Okay, it's time to write. Today we're going to write sooo much. An absurd amount of words. So many that it shouldn't even be humanly possible. I can just see-

Do we have to? We wrote just yesterday.

Yes. Yes, we do. In order for this book to be published, there kinda has to be book first. And no, we didn't write yesterday. That was two days ago. Now sit down.

*thinks about not doing as they were told*

*narrows eyes* Resistance is futile. *points to chair* Sit.

Fiiine. I'll try to write something decent today. *plops in chair*

Good good. That's a good little human being. Now yesterday we left them-

Yeah yeah. I remember. *begins typing*

Two minutes later. . .

*stops typing and looks up* You know how hard it is to write about a group of friends when you don't have any?

*blinks* Well, yes, I guess I do. Just do the best you can. Alpha and beta readers might be able to help later.

Yeah, but these two characters don't want to cooperate. Can't they at least pretend they have a life? They are so boring.

Then don't make them boring.

Wait, you're blaming me for this?

Well, you're the one who has them awkwardly standing there talking about the weather. They have so many things they could talk about and you chose the weather. But if you really can't think of anything better, then just leave it and we'll change it later.

Sounds good to me. *starts typing again*

Ohhh. I like that sentence.

Thanks. I've been waiting to write that. That sentence right there is what will make us famous.

Wait, which one are you talking about? Because I'm talking about this one. *points*

Oh, I'm talking about this one.

That sentence?


This one right here?


. . . Literally, all it says is "No"!

*grins* Yeah, I know. Isn't it the best thing ever written? Oh wait, do you think that counts as quoting Shakespeare? Is that plagiarism?

*takes a deep breath and tries to be patient* Why don't you just keep writing?


Eleven minutes later. . .

Why did you just do that?

Because this character is being annoying, and I don't like him right now. So I'm making his life miserable.

That's understandable, but did you have to do that?


Well, I don't think you do so stop.

*doesn't stop*

Did you hear me?

Yup, but I'm not going to listen. I'm going to feed them to the fire ants!

What is wrong with you?

*gets really dramatic* I don't know, I'm turning into a hobbit!

Stop quoting Tim Hawkins!!

Seventeen minutes later. . .

So I'm thinking I want to kill off this character. What do you think?

*takes a look* No!

Why not?

Because it's the main character. And you're only on chapter five.

But he's making so many bad decisions. I think he's reached his limit.

That doesn't mean you can just kill him. Main characters are supposed to make bad decisions, that's part of what makes the story interesting. It will also make them more believable. I mean, how many people do you know make all the right choices?

Only one.

Really? And who is that?

Me, of course.

You- I'm not even going to go there. But no, you can't kill the main character.

Please? I already know how I would do it. I always have multiple ways to kill off characters in case of an emergency. This will be quick and painless.

No. No, what you have in mind is torture. That is not painless!

Okay, fine, it'll be quick.

Torture is not quick! It's a process that's drawn out for the purpose of causing a lot of pain. You are horrible at this.

I'm going to do it anyway. *begins typing*

No, you're not! *drags him away from keyboard* I think it's time to stop for now.


But we're coming back in ten minutes.


Don't "aww" me.


Saturday, September 16, 2017


This post was inspired by Julia Ryan's post that she shared this past Sunday. One of the things she asks in it is, why don't we have Bible TBRs?

To be perfectly honest with you, I had never thought about this before. I had never thought to make a Bible TBR. Why don't we? You see all these posts where bloggers share their list of books that they want to read this summer, fall, etc.

We get really excited to share our TBRs with everyone, but we never share which books of the Bible we're reading, or want to read. Personally, I would love to know what books of the Bible you are reading as well. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that sharing your TBR is a bad thing. But I do have a question for you: do you get just as excited to read your Bible?

Let me be the first to admit that I don't feel that I've been reading my Bible as much as I should recently. And that bothers me. I want to change that, which is why I made a Bible TBR for myself.

These are the books of the Bible that I want to read between now and the end of this year:

Yes, I know it's only six, but I also want to read books that I feel God wants me to read. At the end of the year, I'll do a post in which I'll give you the list of all the books of the Bible that I read.

Julia also gives a challenge. To find out what it is, go read her post. I challenge you to take her challenge. I can't accept the challenge right now due to other things I've already committed to, but I plan on doing it just as soon as I can.

God gave us the Bible, a book that should be opened every day, not only when we go to church.

What about you? Do you have a Bible TBR? If not, are you going to make one? Are you going to take Julia's challenge?

Saturday, September 9, 2017

PHOTO DUMP// This Summer

So I've been seeing a lot of picture dump posts going up recently, and since I took a LOT of pictures this summer I decided to share some of them with you. :) I will say that, even though I've gotten better at taking pictures, I'm still not the best photographer. :P But I hope you like these anyway!

Back in June, my parents, little brother, and I all hiked a mountain. It was pretty steep and there were quite a few times when we had to climb onto rocks almost as high as I am tall. And I'm tall. :P Personally, I don't think the hike was long enough, but it was still a lot of fun! :D

The rocks on the right side of this path were almost as tall as me

There is a tunnel behind me, and I wanted to crawl into it to see how far and where it went, but I didn't have time. :P

This is a place where I went swimming three times this summer. And the next pic is of a sign that you see on the way there. :)

My friend and I thought this was really funny and cool :)

I didn't end up taking as many pictures on my days off as I thought I would, but here's a few that I did take.

I picked up a lot of stuff while we were on this beach.

I wasn't aware that my friend was taking a picture of me. He and my brother had climbed a rock, which I later climbed too. They had to spot me though because I'm not as good at rock climbing as they are. :P

This was when I climbed the rock, but I came up the other side. In this picture, I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to use the rope to get down.

This is a sign my dad and I saw while we were in this coffee place. We bought seven pounds of coffee there. :D

I only got pictures of one sunrise and one sunset this summer, and here they are.

The benefits of getting up at 3am :)

So which one is your favorite? :)

Saturday, September 2, 2017

August Wrap Up

Well. August was quite eventful. . . Okay, I'm really not very good at beginning wrap-ups. I feel like when you guys read this, you're all just like, "Someone put her out of her misery." So I'll just get this show on the road. :P


Um. . . I wrote next to nothing last month. :P It's horrible, I know. I did work on fixing some important details for Strangers though. I plan on finishing that within the next two months so it can go out to my alpha readers in November.

I've worked a little on the outlines for the two novels I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo this year. Yes, I've already started thinking and planning for NaNo. So far, I know that I'm going to write at least two novels. There have been a few times where I'm just like, "I am SO ready for NaNoWriMo!" And then I'm like, "Ha! Yeah, right. You're not even close to being ready." :P

Also, an idea for another novel hit me while I was on my walk this morning. It has me really excited. :D I should make a Pinterest board for it. I should probably add this one and my fantasy one to my writings page. But if I do that, I want to give them titles. I've noticed that some of you give some of your WIP titles before they're even in the outlining stage. How do you do it?


*nervous laughter* *awkward silence* Yeah, we're kind of failing in this department. :P Of the ten books I had with me at camp, I didn't finish one. Not a whole lot of reading time. The only book I finished this month was Tyra by Jaye L. Knight. Okay, it's technically a short story, but it counts towards my reading goal on Goodreads. And, speaking of my reading goal, I am currently sixteen books behind schedule. . . So we have some catching up to do. I'm hoping to get more reading done this month. :P 


Besides my wrap up for July, this was my only post for the month of August:

Other bloggers posts for last month:

I'm still working on catching up on everyone's blog posts.


So. I'm back from camp. The last day for me was August 16th. This was a great summer at camp, and, of all nine summers I've spent there, it was by far my favorite. I learned a lot, and had so. much. fun. :)

Last Friday, my family and I went over to my grandparents where we met with my three older siblings, who are all married and live all over the place. It's been six and a half years since all five of us kids have been together. We had a ton of fun! The two nights that we were over there, the five of us stayed up late playing games, making a lot of jokes, and laughing nonstop. :D Then on Monday, we came back, and my older brother and one of my older sisters came too. They stayed here all week and left this morning.

If you follow me on Instagram, at some point you'll see some pictures from this past week.

And that was my month! :)

What about you? How was your month? Are you getting ready for NaNoWriMo?