Well, there goes February and the first two months of the year. . . It's kinda hard to believe that we're this far into 2018 already. Not to mention, this is my first wrap-up since. . . August. *coughs* But here I am, wrapping up February. :)
I actually haven't been doing any writing recently. I took a much-needed break, and I'm currently working on a new outline for Lowlife (because the first one wasn't that great :P). And, just the other day, I got a potential novel idea. :D Although I don't know much about it yet, I'm interested as to where it'll go.
Also, I'm sure all of you (or at least most of you) know that Camp NaNoWriMo is next month! I know it's crazy!! And yes, I am going to be participating. ;D I decided awhile ago that I will be working on the second draft of Strangers. So this month, I'll be getting that ready. :)
I haven't done a whole lot of reading recently. Well, I kinda have, but it's been over several books at once. :P Since I missed last months wrap-up, I'm going to list all the books I've read so far this year. :)
So yeah, I've only read five books. My favorite (not including Dare because that was a reread ;) was definitely Scarlet by Marissa Meyer! <3 I loved that book so much, I could hardly put it down. :D
My least favorite was The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan. It was actually a DNF (my first). I was really disappointed with it. I may try and read the whole thing in the future though, we'll see.
Along with those, I also read nine books of the Bible! :D

Other News
I went on a trip! :D I flew out to visit my older brother, his wife, and two kids. We had a blast, and it was definitely a trip of "firsts". ;D If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I flew in an airplane for the first time ever, and it was so. much. fun!
I also went to Starbucks and Barnes and Noble for the first time! I know, some of you are probably wondering how I've lived this long without going to those but I live in a small town okay? The nearest Starbucks is like an hour and a half away. And the nearest Barnes and Noble? I don't even know. I got six books there though, and they were:
The Kingkiller Chronicle: The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Star Wars: Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn
Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan
Brotherband: The Outcasts by John Flanagan
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
The Lunar Chronicles: Winter by Marissa Meyer
I went to this coffee shop call Scooter's and, dare I say that I think their coffee was better than Starbucks? But then, I did only go to each of them once, so I haven't had enough of their coffee to confirm that. Although I did like the coffee I got at Scooter's a little more. After we went to Scooter's, we went to this ice cream place called Cold Stone. Absolutely. loved. their. ice. cream. <3 Guys, I love ice cream and that was probably the best I have ever had.
The last first was that was the farthest from home I have ever been. :)
What about you? How was your February? :)